Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Thesis: Is the internet eliminating the use of books because our methods of reading have changed, or because the way we think has changed?

Summary: We all read the same way we have been taught, with our eyes processing the words we see. Unless you were to go blind, that won't change. As the internet continues to evolve, it influences the population more and more and how they go about doing things. Many believe that we can learn things quicker and more efficiently by looking something up online rather than in a book.While that is true for certain subjects, people are still oblivious to the fact that not all things on the internet are true. Some of us don't even have the attention span to read a book anymore and just give up to search the web.There are still people doing their research by gathering information from Wikipedia and other unreliable sites with no reliable facts on what they are writing about. Back in the day the concern was that having such easy access to books would cause a lot more laziness and weaken our minds; isn't it funny how times have changes? Now something else has come along that we question in the same way that books used to be questioned.                                                                        

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